Diane Mariano (USA)

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Diane Mariano Dear Vitaly and Tatyana,

Your Edom Moisturizing Day Cream is the best face cream I have ever used.
It is creamy and refreshing and I love the way it absorbs on my face and neck.
It is great under my foundation, too!

Wishing you continued success in your business.
God Bless you,


I was in Israel in April and May of this year and had a wonderful visit.
It was a bible study tour with Precept Ministries led by a woman named Kay Arthur.
Our first stop was in Tiberias right on the Sea of Galilee.
It was beautiful!
We visited different historial sites every day. We also stayed in Jerusalem for about five days. What a wonderful city! Everyone was so kind. One of our daily visits was to the Dead Sea where I bought my first jar of your face cream. That sure was a fun day. A pretty amazing place.
I loved learning about the history of the places that Jesus walked and taught His chosen people of Israel.
Receiving the package from Israel was a special reminder of your beautiful country.
God bless and keep you,


My parcel was received and I am enjoying the product! It is the best face cream I have used!
Wishing you continued prosper,
Diane, Oct-2004

Riverside, California, USA

Our Notes:
We never met with Diane.
We only have sent her the parcel with her order.
Diane has allowed to publish to us her messages (without publishing her e-Mail)
Thank you very much, Diane !


Tatyana Zolenko: Phyto-therapist.
Vitaly Eremenko: Web-master.