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Arnica mountainArnica mountainBot.: Arnica montana

Arnica mountain

Arnica has cholagogue, anti-sclerotic and bacteriostatic activity properties.
She helps to struggle with the locks called atony of thick intestines, strengthens reductions of a uterus, possesses vasodilating action, stimulates the central nervous system.
Arnica use at uterine bleedings, a stenocardia, myocarditis, hypertensions, cardiosclerosis, for restoration of functions of the central nervous system after haemorrhagic insults, at night incontinence, cholecystitis, a hepatites, cholangitis.
It use also outwardly at the diversified external diseases, including compresses and plugins for treatment of trophic ulcers shins.
To address with care, to not suppose overdoses!
In the big dozes the plant is toxic!
Whenever possible try to use other herbs.

Arnica is a unique plant on breadth of influence and other parameters.
It is included already on in the Red Book of Russia and Ukraine.

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