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AlthaeaAlthaeaBot.: Althaea


The basic types althaea:
- althaea Armenian
- althaea hempen
- althaea medicinal (Bot.: Althaea officinalis)
Properties of all plants are close.
It is most popular althaea medicinal.
Use althaea as anti-inflammatory, enveloping, at inflammatory diseases of a gastroenteric path, a stomach ulcer and 12-перстной guts, bronchites, a pneumonia, laryngitises, pharyngitises, tracheitises, inflammations of a bladder, at painful{unhealthy} urination, at inflammations in kidneys.

Except for a root use leaves and flowers.
althaea promotes absorption plants used together with it{him} and preparations.
althaea is part of the food additive for treatment of bronchites, tracheitises, etc. Bronchi-Teva, Propoce-AF (Hotam-a-Teva) and others.

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